Always Intriguing

David Harber

The tradition of the venerated public artwork, made for and in response to a particular place goes back to ancient Greek and Roman times through to Renaissance Italy. With his sense of enquiry and pleasure in illusion, David Harber continues that tradition. His collaborative and creative approach can transform a space, with sculptures that delight and surprise, offering the viewer a visual conundrum. Above all, each artwork has a sense of place and purpose, as well as being visually engaging.

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David Harber considers plans for a public artwork

A world-class project team

A purpose-built workshop in the shadow of a Bronze Age hill fort in Oxfordshire, England, is home to David’s hand-picked team of talented engineers, designers, metalworkers, astronomers and other technical specialists.

All David Harber commissions answer a creative and practical brief, whether it is to enhance a corporate identity, highlight a brand, or simply to excite and enchant the viewer. Founded on the interplay between light, shadow, base metals and in some instances, moving water, David Harber's work has gained a loyal following of clients around the world.

Traditional craftsmanship

Working directly with clients or in collaboration with architects, interior designers and specifiers, David and his team draw on a depth of skill and experience in consultancy and project management.

The day-to-day client and contractor liaison is provided by our dedicated administration staff who ensure continuous coordination and client satisfaction from start to finish.

We take pride in exceeding clients’ expectations, never losing sight of our desire to delight and surprise.

Artisan skills

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