New York Showcase

Sculpture, nature and design meet up on the roof

David Harber’s New York City showcase is the roof terrace adjoining the Christopher Peacock Showroom at the Decoration & Design Building on Manhattan’s Third Avenue.

The rooftop garden has a spectacular garden design from award-winning landscape architect Janice Parker, and nine David Harber signature sculptures, each hand-crafted from materials like copper, bronze, stainless steel and stone at our studio and workshop in Oxfordshire, England.

Offering a space for pause and reflection, the Rooftop Garden at Christopher Peacock NY, Annex 5th Floor, will provide an oasis where sculpture and landscaping, nature and design meet. Call or contact us to arrange a viewing.

The magic of conversation

Whether you’ve decided on a piece, or you just want to sound out any aspect of our work, then please do get in touch.

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The Classic Collection
98 pages
The Commercial Collection
46 pages